Last updated:

1st May 2024


The Mental Health Support Team

MHST is aimed at children and young people with mild to moderate emotional wellbeing needs up to their 19th birthday. 

This could include issues such as anxiety, friendship and relationship issues, low mood, or exam stress.


The Mental Health Support Team is only available to children and young people who attend or are on roll at one of the following schools:

Primary Schools
All Saints, Hawkedon, Hawthorns, Keep Hatch, Loddon, South Lake, Winnersh, Foundry (primary)

Secondary Schools
The Forest, Foundry (secondary), The Holt, Maiden Erlegh, St. Crispin’s

Referrals should be made using the form located on

To get advice or talk to the MHST administrator you should email

Urgent help

The Mental Health Support Team is unable to accept urgent or emergency referrals or queries. If you are concerned that there is a risk to the life of a child or young person call 999.  Otherwise, please visit the CYPF website for contact information, including urgent or crisis support:

To report safeguarding or non-health related concerns about a child or young person please visit