Last updated:

17th July 2024

Headcount Information

The 2024 Autumn term early year’s headcount day is Thursday the 3rd October 2024. The Headcount data is now done using the Early Years Provider Portal by the PVIs and childminders. The deadline to send your completed Headcount(via Provider Portal) is on Friday the 11th October 2024. If you have any queries please contact the relevant person at the Local authority.

The eligible DOB's for Under 2s, 2 ,3 and 4 Year Old funding for Autumn 2024 are as follows

  • a  9 month old up to 23 months has a date of birth between 01-09-2022 and 30-11-2023.
  • a 2-year-old has a date of birth between 01-09-2021 and 31-08-2022.

  • a 3-year-old has a date of birth between 01-09-2020 and 31-08-2021.
  • a 4-year-old has a date of birth between 01-09-2019 and 31-08-2020.

Key Dates Autumn 2024 and EYPP Eligibility Criteria 2024

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

 To be eligible for EYPP a child must:

  • Receive free early education. They do not have to take up the full 570 hours of early education that they are entitled to.
  • Have a DOB of within the range of 01 January 2019 to 31 December 2020.
  • Meet at least one of the criteria’s as specified in the Eligibility Criteria document

Only the Maintained School Nurseries will be sent an Initial EYPP list by start of Jan 2024. The deadline to return the updated Summer EYPP spreadsheets for School Nurseries is the 26th Jan 2024. Please refer to the Guidance document for instructions on how to complete and return the spreadsheet to the local authority.

Early Years Providers and childminders who wish to claim EYPP for their pupils, will enter the carer details (Surname, Name, DOB and NINO ) with the headcount which would then be run against ECS and results for EYPP will be sent via a Provider portal EYPP Report.

If you have any questions concerning EYPP please contact Halak Nanavaty on 07917521328 or