Last updated:

1st May 2024

Emotional Wellbeing

glass vase with green plant sat in water


Emotional Wellbeing hub is aimed at children and young people with mild to moderate emotional wellbeing needs up to their 19th birthday, unless they are within an MHST school.

This could include issues such as anxiety, friendship and relationship issues, low mood, or exam stress.

They offer an improved access support, providing a more joined up approach to how the council and Berkshire Health Foundation Trust offers emotional wellbeing services in the community.

Emotional Wellbeing Hub (EWH)

The EWH is for all other children and young people living in the borough, making it more straightforward for them to get the help that they need. The virtual hub acts as a central point of contact for children and young people, parents and professionals across the borough, bringing together a mix of existing, redesigned, and new services.

Children and young people, parents/carers and professionals can access the hub by contacting the referral co-ordinator phone or email, the hub will review the information and make a recommendation based on the support or services that may be most appropriate.  In most cases it will be necessary to complete a referral form to ensure that the relevant information is captured.

Typically, the support on offer, from EWH, will fall into four categories

  1. Signposting to a service that specialises in supporting specific issues, such as bereavement.
  2. Self-help guidance, such as information and worksheets for parents and children, links to good sources for further information
  3. Help to access support from ARC Counselling or our online counselling service provided by Tellmi.
  4. Referral to the Primary Mental Health Team 4 Youth (PMHT4Y), a re-designed Emotional Wellbeing Service, delivered in partnership with Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust.  This team provides low-moderate stepped care intervention for 6-8 weeks and can only be accessed via MHST or EWH referrals.

EWH also hold regular multiagency meetings, known as the EWH Forum, these are by invite only and offer professionals and partners an opportunity to  discuss more complex cases and agree the best support to meet the need of the child/young person.  

How to make referrals

Referrals should be made using the form located on Emotional Wellbeing Hub (

To get advice or talk to the Emotional Wellbeing Referral Co-Ordinator you should either 

Call 0118 237 8111


Urgent help

Emotional Wellbeing Hub is unable to accept urgent or emergency referrals or queries. If you are concerned that there is a risk to the life of a child or young person call 999.  Otherwise, please visit the CYPF website for contact information, including urgent or crisis support:

To report safeguarding or non-health related concerns about a child or young person please visit

The Emotional Wellbeing FAQ and Poster linked below can be downloaded for your own use

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