
Safeguarding News

Please click on the following to open the latest 

BWSCP Safeguarding Updates 

Pan Berkshire Policy and Procedures Newsletter

Safeguarding pages on the Schools Hub    

In addition to this page, please see these other safeguarding pages elsewhere on the Schools Hub:

Berkshire West SCP logo

Other related safeguarding websites

Ofsted Regional Webinar - An Effective Culture of Safeguarding

Please click to view the Ofsted Regional Webinar ‘An Effective Culture of Safeguarding’ presentation slides and Q&A document.

Safeguarding Training

  • BWSCP training
    Information about the Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership training can be found on their website noted above. This includes a free Universal Safeguarding Training e-learning module which schools can access via the following link:  
  • The above BWSCP course is set to ‘guest access’ meaning there is no need for users to login and create a password. To access the Universal Safeguarding Training please click the above link, then click on Log in as Guest, Universal Safeguarding Training, Universal Safeguarding Children, Enter and then the training will load. If you experience any difficulties using the BWSCP e-learning please contact:

WBC training via Children's Services

  • Any safeguarding courses organised by Children's Services will be shown on the WSH Training Calendar.
  • Training via WBC corporate My Learning
    Some courses may be provided via the Wokingham 'My Learning' site.  Instructions for accessing this site are provided on this page.
  • If you have any queries about safeguarding training please email: or

Useful Contacts

The Local Authority Designated Officer

Role: LADO
