Last updated:

31st October 2023

Performance Licences

Why is there legislation around performances?

The legislation exists in order to protect the welfare of children and young people who take part in performances and to ensure they are protected from exploitation. The laws and regulations place a duty on local authorities to ensure the health, welfare and kind treatment of children involved in the entertainment industry and also to issue licences permitting their participation in such activities and performances.

When does a child need a performance licence?

The law in relation to children in entertainment and performance licences applies to all children from birth until they reach compulsory school leaving age. In England, this is the last Friday in June of the school year when the child reaches the age of 16 and finishes Year 11 at school.

Licences are needed for performances where:

  • The child is being paid

  • They are taking place at a licensed premises or at a registered club
  • The performance is to be broadcast or recorded by whatever means with a view to its use in a future broadcast or film intended for public exhibition.
  • The child requires time off school in order to perform

What type of performances need to be licensed? 

  • A child is employed for modelling; photographic or catwalk
  • A child is performing on stage or for television, film, commercials, radio, voiceovers etc.
  • This includes dance and drama school shows, music hub/music service performances, festivals
  • A child is taking part in paid/professional sport

Is a performance licence needed for school performances?

Schools do not need to apply for performance licences when holding a school play/concert etc. However, if the child is involved in commercial work outside of normal school activities a licence will be required, even if the performance is being held at their school.

To apply for a licence

You must send the fully completed application a minimum of 10 working days before the first performance for broadcasting events and 21 days before non-broadcasting events, applications or part-applications outside of this timeframe may not be considered. The child employment officer will be in contact if further information is required.  A full application consists of:

  • Requirement
  • Part 1 application form completed by the applicant and submitted. (Ensuring point 6 is completed with specific times and not just ‘within permitted hours’)
  • Part 2 application form completed by parent/carer, signed by applicant, and submitted
  • Covid-19 risk assessment submitted
  • Copy of birth certificate or passport for child submitted
  • School letter authorising absence to perform if required
  • Child’s photo (JPEG format)
  • List of any additional locations (not already stated in part 1 of application form)
  • Schedule, if applicable (e.g. stage production, feature film)
  • List of chaperones and copies of their approval

You will receive the completed licence a minimum of one day before the first performance. 

Application forms and useful information

To request an application form or other information please email the child employment officer at