Last updated:

28th November 2023

Helpful Resources

NHS Little Blue Book of Sunshine

The book offers lots of practical and useful advice and aims to help children and young people by sharing lots of tips on how to deal with many problems, such as anxiety, stress, body image, relationships and anger. It also includes information about where to get help when they need it.

Now more than ever, anyone can sometimes feel down, worried or anxious because of a variety of situations like school, family or friendships. The #littlebluebookofsunshine explains some of the things children and young people can do right now to feel better, and who to turn to if things feel too much.

NHS Little Blue Book of Sunshine

Attendance related resources

Resources for issues that may effect attendance, please click on the links below.

If your young person is suffering extreme behaviours please seek professional support through your GP, CAMHS or A&E in acute situations.  These resources are only meant as a guide and to support early intervention.

NHSN Leaflet for Young People who self-harm

Early Intervention Support Services Information Directory

If you suspect that your child is suffering with a mental health illness, please speak to their school for support and signposting to relevant organisations.

If you would like further support with parenting your child, please contact 0118 908 8002 and speak to the Early Help Hub for further advice.

Some helpful websites/services are:

Young Minds
Charity committed to improving the mental health of young people. Support for those worried abut a young person’s behaviour or mental health. Provides information leaflets
Provides information and a helpline for anyone affected by mental health problems

Provides information on mental health problems and treatments

Helpline for bereaved people and those caring for bereaved people

No Panic
National organisation providing information about anxiety disorders
Talk to Frank
confidential drug advice service