Last updated:

28th November 2023

How to promote good attendance

Failing to attend school regularly can have a major impact on a child’s education, social skills, their future and their life chances.  There is strong evidence to show that absence has a serious impact on a child’s performance in tests and examinations and means that they will fail to meet their full potential.

Other reasons why school attendance is important:

  • Relationships with peers are built and sustained
  • Children who are away from school may be at risk of becoming victims of crime or abuse
  • Increases life choices
  • Children may be drawn into anti-social or criminal behaviour
  • Promotes positive mental health

Parents can help by:

  • Creating good routines at home

  • Making sure children arrive at school on time and properly equipped
  • Making time to encourage children and show interest in their work
  • Communicating with the school any problems that may affect attendance
  • Adhering to the school’s Attendance Policy
  • Avoiding absence from school – make non urgent medical appointments out of school hours, do not take holidays in term time
  • Setting realistic boundaries and sanctions related to school attendance
  • Informing the school on the first day of absence and maintaining contact
  • Supporting in completing homework
  • Encouraging their child to follow the school rules
  • Giving positive messages about school attendance in formative years to contribute to better management of adolescent years

If you need further support with parenting strategies, please contact the Early Help Hub.

If your child is being bullied, please see the school's policy on this and further support is available on the Government website or the Bullying website.