Last updated:

31st October 2023

Illness and School Attendance

The Government is clear that children with a diagnosed medical condition, both physical and mental health, are properly supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.  

For Government Guidance on pupils with  medical conditions, please see:
Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions

For illness absence from school please refer to the NHS for advice:
NHS Website & School Attendance

Hints and Tips:

If your child has an underlying medical condition please talk to the school and ensure good contact between medics and school staff so that your child's education can be supported.

Try to keep medical/dental appointments outside of school hours wherever possible.

Give the school clear reasons/evidence for absences so that they are able to make an informed decision on authorising.

If your child appears to have a lot of time absent from school due to illness, talk to the school, seek medical advice and referral to the school nurse where appropriate.