Suspensions & Exclusions

Advice for parents

If your child has been excluded from school, guidance can be found on the Department for Education website: School Exclusions

Parents have the right of representation to the Governors Discipline Committee for: 

  • Permanent exclusions
  • More than 15 days of suspension in a term
  • Or if the pupil will miss a public examination or NCT due to exclusion

In local authority controlled schools, parents have the right to request a local authority representative to attend meetings for longer suspensions (15 days or more) and permanent exclusions.  In academies and free schools, the local authority representation is at parental request.

Useful Contacts

Education Welfare Service:

Coram Children's Legal Centre.
They aim to provide free legal advice and information to parents on state education matters and can be contacted on 020 7713 0089 or at

School admissions team for all admission related queries: or 0118 974 6000