Last updated:
6th October 2023
Core offer networks

Officers offer a wide range of freely accessible online and Face to Face network meetings for colleagues covering the following topics.
These are available to book via the Wokingham Schools Hub Course Training Calendar and for online events by completing the online BOOKING FORM. Please note that bookings made on the day cannot be guaranteed.
- Designated teachers
- Attendance leads
- Mental Health leads
- RE Leads
- Behaviour Leads
- PPG leads
- Assessment leads
- Safeguarding leads/DSL
- Racial equity and diversity leads
- Therapeutic thinking leads
- New arrivals/refugees
- Early Years in schools
Please note that ICT/Computing Subject Leader, ICT Technicians and Data Protection Officer network meetings are separate from the Core Offer but are also listed in the Course Training Calendar.
Please remember to cancel if you book but are subsequently unable to attend.