DSE Assessor Training Course

Course provider

Assessors can help reduce ill health and injury associated with DSE and workstation use and help users understand the causes – ultimately they can improve worker morale and wellbeing. Assessors are ultimately needed to support staff that use display screen equipment whether they be fixed desktops or laptops, dedicated workstations, or shared workstations such as hot desks.

You can book on to this course through the Councils MyLearning: Course: Display Screen Equipment Assessor Training (learningpool.com) or by contacting the healthandsafety@wokignham.gov.uk

What does a DSE assessor do?

DSE assessors have a crucial role in identifying the potential health risks to staff, typically Teachers and office staff, by ensuring they use DSE correctly and confirm that users’ workstations are set up ergonomically.

Their duties may include the following activities (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Identifying hazards associated with the task, workstation layout, environment, equipment, software and individual.
  • Assessing the risks from the workstation and DSE work (assessment forms are found on WBC Schools Hub)
  • Putting control measures in place to reduce the risks to the lowest possible level, e.g. sourcing DSE equipment for users’ needs, such as ergonomic chairs.
  • Accounting for any special needs a DSE user has, such as a disability.
  • Using health and safety team to assist when assessing the risks or identifying where additional expertise is required, e.g. occupational health.
  • Reviewing DSE assessments to support staff when aches and pains identified.
  • Providing information, training, advice and guidance to DSE users to help them avoid health risks, e.g. how to adopt a good posture and properly use DSE.
  • Investigating any issues, ill health or injuries, e.g. aches and pains, reported by DSE users.
  • Ensuring any issues involving DSE are managed or addressed

Any questions please contact healthandsafety@wokingham.gov.uk

Who should attend

Schools and Employees identified to help support with DSE assessments
