Published on

4th September 2024

Purple Mash Briefing for schools

Kathy Smedley
Free to schools on the ICT Traded services - Non traded service schools are £50 per delegate.

Purple Mash – What’s New and Updated  The session will provide you with an overview of the new Mini Mash and how to create and share topics.  An overview of the new and updated tools, Micro:bit, 2Quiz and 2Calculate and updates to the schemes of work.  
Note delegates may attend the relevant parts of the  session - see below

Who should attend

Early Years colleagues using mini Mash

Primary Computing Subject Leaders 

Course outcomes

 The first half of the session session will provide you with an overview of the new Mini Mash and support Early years with creating their own resources and topics in Mini mash

The second half will focus on the new tool - Microbit editor and updates to 2Quiz and 2Calculate tools.

An understanding of the new updates to the schemes of work.  

Other information

This session will be in 2 parts to allow colleagues to join for the relevant part of the meeting 

Part 1 – Mini Mash 3:45 – 4:15 : The first half of the session will focus on Mini Mash to give opportunity for Early years colleagues to join us for part of the session 

Part 2 Purple Mash Updates: 4:15 – 5:00 will focus on Micro:bit in Purple Mash 2Quiz and 2Calculate and the recent updates to the schemes of work. - this will be useful for subject leaders  

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