Online Safety

The use of the internet and other online systems opens up new opportunities for teachers, learners and parents, but also opens up many potential risks.  These pages aim to highlight a range of online safety and safeguarding issues and provide advice for schools on how to use technology safely. 

Please find the following resources in the online safety sections below



Online Safety - How are your learners involved?

Learners need to have an active role in developing and running online safety in a school. Pupil voice is very important.

Ideas for how you could develop this:

  • Involving pupils in discussions about class rules and the use of computers/tablets, mobile technologies
  • Have digital leaders or online safety buddies to support others in the class
  • Create a pupil online safety group that:


    - discuss online safety matters and concerns

    - help organise Safer Internet Day or class assemblies

    - distribute guides on parents evenings

    - give presentations to other classes and groups (Governors?)

  • A successful way is to involve learners in creating the Acceptable Use Policy for pupils.  Each school will have its own ethos and atmosphere that will influence the AUP.


Video-Based Resources 

Remember to view all videos and think carefully before sharing them with your children or parents 


Parental Controls allow parents to:


  1. Set up filters to block content
  2. Control access time and length of access
  3. Control access to stores or prevent downloading
  4. Block particular Apps

Controls can be set up on individual devices, by Internet Service Providers, or by phone and network service providers.  Please refer to individual providers for the most up to date support and advice. Below are some key sites that provide you with information and links to set up parental controls.