Personal Safety

Thames Valley Police: Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls

This lesson pack explores how young people can recognise unsafe situations when in public spaces, take care of their peers on nights out, and challenge attitudes which may lead to unsafe decisions. 

Women and girls have a right to feel, and be, safe when socialising with friends. And there are opportunities all young people can take to help increase their own personal safety, and that of their peers. This lesson intends to empower young people by exploring these strategies.

  • One key stage 4-5 lesson plan available as a PDF and PowerPoint
  • Accompanying teacher guidance to help you teach this topic safely and effectively
  • Student resources and classroom activities to support the learning

Thames Valley Police: Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls

Stay True to You

Practitioners - Stay True to You - free practical materials intended for anyone engaging with young people, to help meaningful conversations about safety

Parents - Stay True to You - Information for parents/carers

Young People - Stay True to You - Information for young people