Physical Activity
- Get Berkshire Active Get Berkshire Active − GBA Strategic Intent 2021-2026 (aimed at pupils)
- Sport in Mind Sport in Mind - the UK mental health sports charity (aimed at pupils)
- Sport in Mind accredited Youth Volunteer Programme Sport in Mind are partnering with the National Citizen Service to provide a new and innovative programme for young people 16 and 17 years of age. This experience will be particularly beneficial to those who struggle with their own mental health as a way to improve this alongside other key skills.
- Sport and Leisure Sports, arts and activities - Wokingham Borough Council (aimed at all)
- This girl can (for teachers) Studio You is a free-to-access platform for all secondary schools in England powered by This Girl Can and aims to help teachers bring fun to physical activity and change the way girls aged 11-16 see PE. To sign up go to: Home | Studio You (
- Places Leisure manage Leisure Centres within the Wokingham Borough and provide a range of activities for school-aged children & families.
- NHS Healthier Families
My Journey Wokingham
My Journey Wokingham offers support for school travel plans - Modeshift STARS (
See My Journey website for community events - Wokingham Events (
Scooter training for Year 1 is available – to book dates email