Teaching resources
The vaping toolkit contains a range of resources to help communicate the facts about vaping to children and young people. These resources also support carers and educators, including PSHE and safeguarding leads, in having evidence-based discussions that empower young people to make informed choices about smoking and vaping.
The PSHE Association Vaping year 9 lesson pack is designed to follow on from the Year 9 lessons in their existing suite of drug and alcohol education lessons. This lesson will help students: understand the impact of influences, influencers and marketing on vaping-related choices and behaviours, explain the consequences of vaping, including the environmental cost, and analyse ways to challenge influences and misconceptions about vaping.
Teacher Training GOV.UK also offers a training module to support teachers and/or subject leads with understanding and delivering the drugs, alcohol and tobacco section of the statutory relationships, sex and health education curriculum.
Vaping - Key Stage 3 form time activities School Zone vaping resources
From the Department of Health & Social Care. Students learn about social pressures around vaping, its impact factors, and the effects of nicotine on the adolescent brain. Activities include:
•three bitesize PowerPoint sessions
•three films to support the activities
•teacher guidance document for supporting conversations around vaping
Useful links
National website - Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is a public health charity set up by the Royal College of Physicians to end the harm caused by tobacco. Their website includes a range of resources including information on vaping in young people. ASH - Resources on youth vaping
National support and information for young people: FRANK offers information about Vapes and Nicotine for under 18’s. Young people can contact Frank directly via phone, text or live chat