Elective Home Education (EHE)

Parents/carers have a duty to ensure that their children receive a suitable full time education either by regular attendance at school or otherwise. The law allows parents/carers to choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to school. This is known as Elective Home Education.  

There is no financial support for EHE from Wokingham Borough Council at present.

Schools must inform the Education Welfare Service when a parent notifies them that they are taking responsibility for their child's education, by following the EHE process.

Schools are required to fill in the attached



and email to the EHE Officer:  ehe@wokingham.gov.uk.

Once the referral is processed, parents will receive contact from the Education Welfare Service.

Listed below is the DfE guidance for EHE, as well documents listing local schools that will accept private GCSE candidates.

Related documents

New Exam centre information

An exam centre has been created specifically for EHE pupils with provision for children with disabilities and ASD.  The centre is called Farego Exam Centre.  Details are available at www.faregos.org or contact exams@faregos.org