New Arrivals Toolkit - Secondary

New Arrivals with English as an Additional Language: A Toolkit for Secondary Schools

The documents below form a toolkit that provides guidance and support for secondary school staff working with new arrivals with English as an additional language.

The aim of the toolkit is to support schools to develop inclusive provision for pupils who are newly arrived from abroad which will enable them to settle quickly and make good progress. The achievement of pupils depends on staff understanding of their social, emotional, cultural and language needs, and knowledge of good EAL teaching and learning practice. The materials in the toolkit provide guidance on admission, induction, assessment and teaching of new arrivals, many of whom will be at the early stages of learning English.

The materials are divided into six sections:

Introduction and general advice


Teaching guidance - including small group/ one to one session


Small group/ one to one sessions

Planning small group/ 1-1 sessions:

Teaching materials:

Racing to English: This excellent CD, including over 300 language activities, costs £45 + £5 P and P. More details here:

Below is a Ppt presentation introducing the resource.

National Strategies Guided writing units for EAL learners

Clicker software and Write on Line software are very useful to support the writing of EAL learners:

Assessment and information gathering

Please see the link at the bottom of this page for assessment guidance and assessment materials.

Additional assessment materials:



Information about languages

For further information on support for new arrivals with EAL, please see the English as an additional language home page

More teaching materials are available at this link