Alternative Provision
AP Toolkit
These documents have been co-produced with schools and the LA to set up and quality assure placements at Alternative Provisions (APs). These have been designed to support schools to have a standardised approach to quality assurance of APs.
The Individual Service Agreement records safeguarding checks, provision details, length and cost of placement as well as outcomes for the pupil. This should be completed jointly with all named parties before a placement is made.
The half-termly report is a template for APs to use to record the progress a pupil is making as well as capturing the pupil’s voice. These reports should be included in any annual review paperwork where a pupil has an EHCP.
The AP Due Diligence form is basic desktop due diligence which captures data such as contact details, qualifications of staff and what the provider offers. Many APs may have completed this form through the Children’s Commissioning quality assurance process.
As the commissioner of a placement, schools hold the responsibility for ensuring all safeguarding and due diligence checks have taken place before a placement is made and regular contact is maintained with the AP.
Should you have any questions regarding this toolkit, please contact the Children’s Commissioning Team (
AP Individual Service Agreement